FAQs and Bookings Explained
Stall expectations
We expect all stalls to have a table cloth fully covering the table and the front of the table to block any items stored underneath the table. The ones we recommend are the stretch table cloths from amazon, they come in multiple different colours. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Tablecloth-Polyester-Rectangular-Stretchable-Exhibitions/dp/B09C89QCMX/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=stretch+table+covers+6ft&qid=1661261702&sprefix=stretch+tab%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1
Please note event managers on the day will be checking the quality of stalls, we will be there to help guide you at the market and give feedback on your set up. Please do not take offence to this, we have over 30 years of experience combined in markets and we only want to see everyone succeed.
How much is a stall?
- General Stall (includes a 3m x 1.5 m or 2m x 2m gazebo and a 6ft table) is £55
- Own Gazebo (3m x 3m space provided, all weights, tables and gazebo must be provided by yourselves. Weights must be a minimum of 40kg combined) is £45
- Hot Food (includes a 3m x 3m gazebo and a 6ft table) is £80
- Hot Dessert (includes a 3m x 3m gazebo and a 6ft table) is £60
- Hot Coffee (includes a 3m x 3m gazebo and a 6ft table) is £55
- Ice Cream (includes a 3m x 3m gazebo and a 6ft table) is £55
- Bar (includes a 3m x 3m gazebo and a 6ft table) is £55
What size is the stall?
General Stalls will be allocated a 3m x 1.5m ( 3m x 3m gazebos shared back to back with another trader) or 2m x 2m stall (includes a gazebo and table) a 6ft x 2ft table is included along with the gazebo.
Own gazebos are allocated a 3m x 3m space.
Hot food, Hot Coffee, Hot Dessert, Ice Cream and Bars are allocated a 3m x 3m gazebo and table. If you are using your own infrastructure YOU MUST email us prior to the event to let us know and we will confirm if that is okay.
What size is the table?
We provide all general stall traders (not own gazebos) with a standard 6ft x 2ft table to display items, you should bring your own table covering and banners to match your set up.
Are chairs provided?
No, most traders find chairs are unnecessary as they like to stand and speak to customers however you are welcome to bring your own if needed.
Do I need to provide my own table cloth/cover?
Yes, a lot of traders like to decorate with a theme so prefer to bring their own so we do not provide table coverings. Table coverings MUST cover the whole table and the front of the stall, items under the table must be covered by the cloth.
Can I bring an additional table?
Yes you are welcome to bring extra table space however this must not exceed your stall perimeter or obstruct any other spaces. Usually a 4ft foldable table is a perfect fit, 6ft tables will not be permitted as an additional gazebo.
Is Electricity provided?
No, we do not supply any electricity. We also do not allow generators onto site. If you are a coffee / hot food trader you ideally must run off gas.
How many traders can be at a stall?
If you are in one of our gazebos (general stall) ideally no more than one person due to space. If there are two people on the stall please keep in mind the space allocated and consider the stall behind you.
My category is fully booked, can I still attend?
Please email us if your category is full and we can look at each case on an individual basis depending on what is already booked - please do not just book and hope we won’t notice as your stall will be cancelled.
If I need to cancel what is the process?
If for some reason you need to cancel you should email us asap, for our monthly markets we will issue credit / refund for the stall fee if you give notice by end of play (4pm) the Monday prior. This will differ for xmas markets as the cancellation period is different and will be explained upon booking. After this it’s at our discretion to credit the stall if we’re able to fill the pitch.
Will I know where I will be positioned on the day?
Yes, by the Friday before your event we will email all traders attending a layout for the event so you can see where you will be located.
When will I receive full Set Up details?
You will be sent full set up details the Monday prior to your event, these will include event addresses, parking and other relevant information.
What does each category include?
- General Stall: We provide a 3m x 1.5m / 2m x 2m gazebo space and table for you to trade from. This is for off site consumption food, drink, art, craft etc.
- Own Gazebo: You bring your own infrastructure and are allocated a 3m x 3m space. This is for off site consumption food, drink, art, craft etc.
- Hot Food: We provide a 3m x 3m gazebo including a table, this is for stallholders who will be cooking and serving hot savory food at events for on site consumption. If you need to bring your own set up you must let us know prior to the event as we may not be able to accommodate this.
- Hot Coffee: This is for traders serving hot drinks such as tea and coffee. A 3m x 3m gazebo will be provided. If you need to bring your own set up you must let us know prior to the event as we may not be able to accommodate this.
- Hot Dessert: We provide a 3m x 3m gazebo and table, this is for stallholders who will be cooking and serving sweet hot food at events such as crepes for on site consumption. If you need to bring your own set up you must let us know prior to the event as we may not be able to accommodate this.
What do I need to trade?
To trade you will be required to have PLI, in addition to any relevant certificates eg. a food Hygiene Certificate if dealing with food, gas certs or relevant certificates for your craft. You’ll need a minimum of £5 million PLI
I sell alcohol, do I need to apply for a TENs?
We provide the TENs for each event you are not required to apply for an additional TENs. Currently Liverpool Council are requiring individual TENs for Albert Dock
Please note ** no power is provided with any set up
Booking information:
Step 1:
You must be a registered trader with us and have submitted your documents. Read the T&Cs for information on PLI and other requirement.
Step 2:
Select your location in the Markets tab and FULLY read the description as this is where you will find more information about availability and if there are certain items that are already fully booked.
Step 3:
Make payments for your event. When the payment is processed you will receive a receipt from Shopify. Markets are exempt from VAT so please note that no VAT receipts are available.
Step 4:
We will collate all applications and check for duplication of stalls, at this point we may need to cancel/refund vendors. We have the right to cancel stalls where necessary.
Step 5:
The Monday before your event we will send out Set Up details giving information on timings, parking, postcodes etc. This will be followed by a Layout which is generally sent on the Friday before the event with contact details of the event manager. If you do not receive this information it is important you contact us during the week so that we can ensure your contact details are correct on the booking form.
Step 6:
Advertise! Get involved on Social Media and spread the word about the event, we have individual promo pictures on the website under the tab "Promotional Images"